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Réseaulab 2021

september 24th 2021
All day - Free

Registration is Closed

Following the enthusiasm generated by our previous editions, the RéseauLAB organizing committee is pleased to announce its 3rd edition which will take place on September 24th. This virtual edition aims to bring together all graduated research students and postdoctral fellows from the Faculty of Medecine​ of the Université de Montréal as part of a scientific event. Oral, blitz and poster presentations as well as an interactive workshop await you!

Abstract submissions for oral, blitz and poster presentation are now closed.

You can still register to attend the event, including the workshop on motivation and stress management at overgraduate studies. 

Presentation and door prizes await you!

Oral presentation:

10 minutes presentation

5 mins of questions


Blitz presentation

90 secondes presentation


Poster presentation

5 mins presentation


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