RéseauLAB returns for its 5th edition on September 22-23, 2023 at Victoriaville
General information
All graduate students and postdoctoral fellows from the Faculty of Medicine of the Université de Montréal are invited to participate in the 5th edition of RéseauLAB which will take place on September 22nd and 23rd at the Le Victorin hotel, Victoriaville .
The purpose of the event being to offer everyone the opportunity to gain experience, we invite everyone to present a research project even if few results have been accumulated.
Registration deadline: July 22nd, 2023
Abstract submission deadline: August 4th, 2023

Introduction to entrepreneurship by Axelys
ChatGPT by Gita Ghiasi
Friday, September 23rd, 2022
Oral presentation sessions
Plenary conference
Cocktail and dinner
Dancing party

Sex & Gender in Research by Dr. Diane B. Boivin and Robert-Paul Juster

Saturday, September 24th, 2022
Poster presentation sessions
Awards ceremony
Social activities

Nature getaway
Social tasting


Guidelines for abstract submission :
Abstract submission deadline: August 4th, 2023
The title of the presentation must be written in bold
Author affiliation should be written in the format:
Department, Faculty of Medicine, Université de Montréal and Affiliated Research Center/Institute (if applicable); -
The abstract can be written in French or in English
Maximum 300 words for the body of the abstract
Since the event brings together participants from several departments, it is important to present a lay summary so that the project and the results presented are accessible and understandable for everyone.
Abstracts should be emailed to reseaulab@gmail.com in Word format
All abstracts will be awarded a poster presentation. During registration, indicate whether you would like your abstract to be considered by the organizing committee for oral presentation. The evaluation will take into account the respect of the directives as well as the scientific interest and the quality of the popularization of the project. Following the evaluation, the participants selected for an oral presentation will be announced by email no later than August 26th.
Guidelines for poster presentations:
Duration of the poster presentation: 5 minutes + 3 minutes for questions
The presentation can be made in French or in English at the convenience of the presenter
Poster dimensions: 40 (width) x 60 (height) inches.
Since the event brings together participants from several departments, it is important that the presentation be well popularized so that the project and the results presented are accessible and understandable for all.
Guidelines for oral presentations (by invitation only):
Duration of the oral presentation: 10 minutes + 5 minutes for questions
The presentation can be made in French or in English at the convenience of the presenter
Since the event brings together participants from several departments, it is important that the presentation be well popularized so that the project and the results presented are accessible and understandable for everyone.
Oral presenters will not present a poster.
Guidelines for speed talks presentations (by invitation only):
Duration of the oral presentation: 2 minutes (no question period)
We accept a maximum of 2 slides. The presentation can be made in French or in English at the convenience of the presenter. The goal of this speed talk is to entice attendees to come visit your poster.
Since the event brings together participants from several departments, it is important that the presentation be well popularized so that the project and the results presented are accessible and understandable for everyone.
Useful information
Place:Hotel Le Victorin
19, boul. East Arthabaska, Victoriaville, G6T 0S4
Thank you to our sponsors





Pictures from the previous event
You can access more pictures in the following link.