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Virtual Meeting 2021

2  oral presentations sessions,

blitz presentations,

more than 100 poster presentations,

1 interactive workshop, 

fun games and participation prizes

and more ...

September 24th 2021

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What is RéseauLAB?

RéseauLAB is a student initiative aiming to bring together all graduated research students and postdoctral fellows from the Faculty of Medecine​ of the Université de Montréal as part of a scientific event.


Our goal is to increase cohesion and collaboration within our faculty as well as to shine the spotlight on the many research projects carried out at the Université de Montréal by putting a special emphasis on student presentations. RéseauLAB also aims to open discussion on various issues related to research on human health and basic research.

About Us



Jacob Bouchard
Jeanne Corriveau
Samuel Drouin
Yassine El-Bakkouri
Émilie Fiola-Masson
Véronique Laplante
Jean-David Larouche
Sarah Nahlé

Marine Rousseau Jessica Youwakim
MD - M.Sc - Program of Medecine - Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Medecine
PhD - Department of Pharmacology et Physiology
M.Sc - Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Medecine
PhD - Department of Pharmacology et Physiology
​PhD - Department of Pharmacology et Physiology
PhD - Department of Pharmacology et Physiology
PhD - Program of Molecular Biology Institute for Research in Immunology and Cancer
PhD - Program of Molecular Miology, Montréal Clinical Research Institute
​PhD - Department of Microbiology, Infectiology et Immunology
PhD - Department of
 Pharmacology et Physiology

Previous Events

NetworkLAB 2019

RéseauLAB's first edition was a great success!

RéseauLAB 2019 made it possible to bring together about a hundred students from different programs that make up the Faculty of Medecine of the Université the Montréal, and thus brought awareness to the research works of students from other disciplinary fields.

Blitz presentation contest 2020

Even remotely, promoting fruitful exchanges is one of our priorities!


The virtual edition of RéseauLAB 2020 has allowed  students from the Faculty of Medicine to share the progression of their research project and to discuss issues they are facing.

RéseauLAB 2019

Thank you to our sponsors!

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